Harison’s Yellow Rose – an Enduring Pioneer by Melissa Baynes
Harison’s Yellow Rose – an Enduring Pioneer by Melissa Baynes
Rosa x harisonii Rivers [foetida × spinosissima]
Men packed tools, provisions and practical provender, the women; Bibles, quilts and their precious roses.
They were the keepers of memory, carrying the stories of their old homes
that would become the new traditions of the territory....
With her rose she shared water while crossing the alkali plains.
In the chill Blue Mountains, curled in a common blanket, she kept her rose from freezing.
Finally, on that great day of arrival on her donation land claim,
she would plant her rose; a symbol of determination and endurance.
Some twenty varieties of roses traveled across the trail... to be planted, watered, cherished and shared.
-excerpt from the book "Hatchet, Hands and Hoe" by Erika Calkins
Although my love of plants leans towards our mountain natives, I love the history and stories behind the Harison Yellow Rose, which can be found growing wild and in gardens throughout our mountain communities. As you drive through town or the countryside, keep a lookout for a beautiful, yellow rose bush. If you see one, it is likely a Harison’s Yellow… and here is its story:
This lovely rose got its start in the early 1800s. Richard and George Harison (father and son lawyers) were amateur rosarians and kept a rose garden at their home in Manhattan. The son, George, was in poor health so he dedicated much of his time and efforts to his beloved garden. In this garden, the Harison’s maintained a variety of different species of roses including the Persian Yellow (Rosa foetida) and Scotch Briar (Rosa spinosissima). The Persian Yellow is a native to Iran, Afghanistan and the northwestern Himalayas whereas the Scotch Briar is native to most of Europe. And, although to this day, the parentage is little uncertain, most experts agree that the Harison’s Yellow is a result of the chance hybridization between the Persian Yellow and Scotch Briar growing in Harison’s garden.
Once this new rose was “discovered”, the Harison’s gave cuttings to several nurserymen including Thomas Hogg and Williams Nursery, but it was William Robert Prince who was best equipped to propagate and distribute this new rose. It was first marketed in 1830 and was called Harison’s Yellow. Over time, however, other names have been attributed to this rose and you may hear it referred to by a number of different names including:
Oregon Trail Rose Pioneer Rose Harison’s Gold
Yellow Rose of TX Yellow Sweet Briar Hogg's Yellow
Women’s Gold Miners’ Wives’ Gold Crawford’s Rose

If you see a wild yellow rose growing wild in our mountain communities, it is likely a Harison’s Yellow. The rose is bushy with upright, arching canes and can reach 8ft tall by 4ft wide. It has straight, sharp thorns and forms suckers on its own roots. The flowers are slightly cupped, semi-double and usually bright yellow with 20-25 petals. Harison’s Yellow blooms most heavily in cool, dry weather with only a single flush of flowers in spring or early summer. It is very hardy; it tolerates full sun to part shade, cold, drought, poor soils and pests… perfect for our tough mountain environment. However, if you are thinking of adding a little history to your garden by planting or propagating this rose, beware! Although it thrives on neglect, it is notoriously difficult to establish. It is usually cultivated as an own-root plant but you may need to be patient and make several attempts to get it to establish and survive. If you (or a friend) don’t have a plant to take cuttings from, nursery-grown plants are available at some local nurseries in the Denver area.
Few plants have such an amazing history. So, if you happen to spot one when you are out and about, take a moment to stop and smell the roses and appreciate the rich lore of the Harison Yellow! It is truly an enduring pioneer.
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